Made By Maria

Location: Utah

Wife, mother, curator of home. Fueled by coffee, cupcakes and creative energy. I have a lot of half baked ideas, collect a lot of crafting supplies, suffer from lack of organization-itis and love run on sentences.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Snow, glorious snow!

I can call snow glorious now that we don't deal with it for 9 months out of the year. You wouldn't really think snow would differer. Snow is snow, right? But Utah snow is incomparable to Alaska snow. Utah snow is wet and you can build a snow man. Alaska snow is powdery and you can't even shape it into a snow ball.
I have to admit that even as an adult when I see fresh fallen snow I have a strong need to grab a handful and eat it. Mmmm. I ate my weight in snow every winter, easily. My best friend Tasha and I would lead expeditions and play outside in the snow all day long. One winter we had this grape, remember those huge glass grapes that were all the rage in the 70's? If you twisted just right they'd pop right off. If you chose the right grape that was in the back your mom or grandma, would most likely never noticed. We spent an entire winter hiding that grade and then finding it. Sometime in January we lost the grape. We hid it and never found it, well we did, but not until spring.
The real star of winter was icicles. If you could get an icicle off the house (not the car, those where too dirty) you were golden and could suck on the icicle all day long. We would watch the icicles on the sides of our houses grow until they were long enough for us to reach, then they were ours.
I hope my children build memories like that. Maybe that's why I go against all parenting intuition and let them pack a snow ball and munch on it for an hour?


You never know when it's going to hit you.
You could be walking into the grocery store and bam, that girl has the most beautiful bag I've ever seen, look quick, how is it make? Is that pleated? Mental note made.
I've had the bug to sew some clothing lately. I blame the Project Runway Marathons I've been watching. It always gets me itchy to sew and design garments. Of course being a mom, my children are the likely models. I found this site a few days ago and haven't been able to get my mind off the beautiful dresses. It's almost more than I can stand. I want to lock myself in my sewing room and create for days, until each of my girls has a dress in each of the styles.
Since I don't have time to recreated every dress, I'm going to pacify my needs by whiping up a few felt clips, inspired by these.
© Copyright 2005-2007 Made By Maria  ::  Design by two14
"Sewing Girl" graphic used with permission from Sweet Bonny