Today I woke up to the crisp cool feeling of Fall. It hit me hard. I love fall and this time of year makes me feel cozy and loved. I missed fall so very much when we lived in Alaska, we had 2 seasons there, hot and cold. The leaves would change in the morning one day and fall off that night. I am glad to be able to enjoy a crisp, cool fall.
This time of year brings so much excitement. Back to School for instance. My 2 big kids started school last week. It's been bittersweet, I think I may have been the only mommy around not really ready to send them back. We had a nice summer. But I also see how much more I enjoy the time we spend together in the evenings. Kyler is in the second grade and doing fabulously. He got 100% on his spelling test last Friday and aced his Accelerated Reader test today. Kileah has adjusted so well to kindergarten. I was very apprehensive about this all-day class but she's loving it. She is so proud of herself and comes home full of stories and experiences to share with me. As I suspected school time has left me with even less time for my business. For I have become Sophia's entertainment Comittee! I love me some patty cakes, but if I have to throw it in the oven one more time today I just might cry.
Now onto some businessy news, since that's what this blog is suposed to be for anyway.
I am excited to announce that Made By Maria is gaining an employee. My sister Chris is going to start sewing for me this week. She is a fabulous seamstress and I have been after her for a good year now to quit her 9 to 5 and sew with me. I look forward to seeing what we can create together. This also opens me up to a lot more customs and designing, my favorite things.
My website and HC are in the process of a face-lift. I don't want to say too much yet, but it's going to be really fabulous!
I am really excited about Sept. 21, It's
Wonderful World's 1 year Birthday Celebration! I just love birthdays and I have so much cooking it's not even funny! Those ladies are outragiously talented and they have some great stuff in the works. Of course I will be doing a collab with Diane of
Bugsnugger, among other things. :)