Made By Maria

Location: Utah

Wife, mother, curator of home. Fueled by coffee, cupcakes and creative energy. I have a lot of half baked ideas, collect a lot of crafting supplies, suffer from lack of organization-itis and love run on sentences.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday...

A little taste of what's to come on the 21st.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Anything can be crafty.

I call this proof that I can turn anything into a craft project.
It started with me deciding to go through the toys in the play room and get rid of a bunch of Made In China stuff they never play with.

Soon I realized Leah's Littlest Pet Shop pets didn't have adequate storage. Of course the Ponies followed suit and before I knew it I had made 5 fabric covered boxes with labels and sacrificed one finger to the hot glue gun. Crafting is pain baby, crafting is pain.

I'm really pleased with the way the bookcase looks now! These boxes are much more attractive than the rubbermaid boxes the kids' toys used to reside in.

In case you're wondering LPS has a lid because Kileah likes to drag this box with her everywhere, mostly to the neighbor's house. The rest don't have lids because in my experience, it's easier for little ones, and husbands, to put things in them if they don't have the added step of taking off a lid.

Is there a tactful way of asking family and friends to not give our children toys for Christmas. Or for handmade toys?


Today I woke up to the crisp cool feeling of Fall. It hit me hard. I love fall and this time of year makes me feel cozy and loved. I missed fall so very much when we lived in Alaska, we had 2 seasons there, hot and cold. The leaves would change in the morning one day and fall off that night. I am glad to be able to enjoy a crisp, cool fall.

This time of year brings so much excitement. Back to School for instance. My 2 big kids started school last week. It's been bittersweet, I think I may have been the only mommy around not really ready to send them back. We had a nice summer. But I also see how much more I enjoy the time we spend together in the evenings. Kyler is in the second grade and doing fabulously. He got 100% on his spelling test last Friday and aced his Accelerated Reader test today. Kileah has adjusted so well to kindergarten. I was very apprehensive about this all-day class but she's loving it. She is so proud of herself and comes home full of stories and experiences to share with me. As I suspected school time has left me with even less time for my business. For I have become Sophia's entertainment Comittee! I love me some patty cakes, but if I have to throw it in the oven one more time today I just might cry.

Now onto some businessy news, since that's what this blog is suposed to be for anyway.

I am excited to announce that Made By Maria is gaining an employee. My sister Chris is going to start sewing for me this week. She is a fabulous seamstress and I have been after her for a good year now to quit her 9 to 5 and sew with me. I look forward to seeing what we can create together. This also opens me up to a lot more customs and designing, my favorite things.

My website and HC are in the process of a face-lift. I don't want to say too much yet, but it's going to be really fabulous!

I am really excited about Sept. 21, It's Wonderful World's 1 year Birthday Celebration! I just love birthdays and I have so much cooking it's not even funny! Those ladies are outragiously talented and they have some great stuff in the works. Of course I will be doing a collab with Diane of Bugsnugger, among other things. :)

© Copyright 2005-2007 Made By Maria  ::  Design by two14
"Sewing Girl" graphic used with permission from Sweet Bonny